The Society offers an annual programme of social activities for its members (details below).
Our programme year runs from 1st May with an AGM in March. From October to March, we offer a series of interesting talks around a variety of French themes and this enables members to keep in contact with one another. These monthly autumn/winter talks are normally held on the second Thursday of the month. £4 entry fee for members, £5 for non-members.
The venue for meetings is usually either Bayeux Court, York Road, Dorchester DT1 1AS or the Dorchester Youth Association (DYA) HQ, Lübbecke Way, Dorchester DT1 1QL, BUT some events are held elsewhere, details shown with the programme item below.
Recent talks include:
- 'Working with the National Trust at Lytes Carey' illustrated talk by Geoff Goater;
- 'The archaeology of Dorchester' illustrated talk by County Archaeologist Steve Wallis;
- 'Sticks and stones - the killing of William Allen, 1850' talk by local author Philip Browne.
- Other social events are held three times a year: a September tea; a pre-Christmas society lunch and a Spring lunch. These are usually held in St George's Church Hall, Fordington, or in the Corn Exchange, Dorchester.
- In 2023, the society started showing classical French films with English subtitles. The film shows are usually held on a Tuesday evening in the newly refurbished Corn Exchange cinema. Entry fee currently £6 on the door. Films shown to date:
12th January 2023 'Jean de Florette'2nd March 2023 'Manon des Sources'17th April 2023 'Amelie'31st May 2023 'Hors de Prix' or 'Priceless'19th September 2023 'He loves me, he loves me not'28th November 2023 'Intouchables'16th January 2024 'Cyrano de Bergerac'5th March 2024 'Monsieur Lazhar'7th May 2024 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'24th September 2024 'Un Homme et une Femme'29th October 2024 'Le Diner de Cons'
Last update to this page: Saturday 25th January 2025
Film night at the Corn Exchange: Tuesday 4th February 2025
The utterly charming story of a girl from a Normandy village who finds a route to stardom via typing competitions. Based in 1958, it is a stylish, joyful French film (2012) to chase away the January Blues.
Doors and bar open at 6:45pm for 7:30pm, cash on entry, £6.00.
Autumn/Winter Talk: Thursday 13th February 2025 7:00pm at Lubbecke Way Magna Community Room DT1 1QL (not the DYA and please note the on-street parking is limited!) - "The role of local regiments in D-Day and the Liberation of Bayeux" by Christopher Jary, author and volunteer at The Keep. Christopher has written, co-written or edited fifteen books, mostly military histories. His interest is the people, and he tries to tell their stories using their own words. The first British infantry to land on the Normandy beaches on D-Day were 231 Malta Brigade comprising the 1st Hampshires, 1st Dorsets and 2nd Devons, and they landed at 0730 east of Arromanches above Bayeux.
AGM and wine tasting: Thursday 13th March 2025 7:00pm venue tbc - 66th AGM
Film night at the Corn Exchange: Tuesday 18th March 2025
The Well-Digger's Daughter
Daniel Auteuil’s debut film as a Director (2011). It is based on the moving novel (and 1940 film) by Marcel Pagnol. An emotional and beautiful tale of life in a bygone era of rural Provence.
Doors and bar open at 6:45pm for 7:30pm, cash on entry, £6.00.
Spring lunch: Saturday 5th April 2024 12 noon until 3pm at the Coach House Inn, Winterbourne Abbas DT2 9LU. More details will be circulated.
Film night at the Corn Exchange: Tuesday 13th May 2025
Le Petit Nicolas
Laurent Tirard’s delightful comedy (2009) based on the classic tales by Goscinny et Sempe. The adventures of a mischievous schoolboy and a wonderful, humorous depiction of 1950s French culture and family life.
Doors and bar open at 6:45pm for 7:30pm, cash on entry, £6.00.
Other DBS events
Confident speakers, led by Barbara:
Normally the first Tuesday of the month, from 10:30am to noon, at The Walnut Grove in Durngate Street, but check dates with Barbara or on Facebook.
Beginners/intermediate level speakers, led by Ian:
Normally the third Tuesday of the month, from 10:30am to noon, in Vivo Lounge, Brewery Square, but check dates with Ian or on Facebook.
Please contact Ian at dorchester_bayeux_society@hotmail.com if you would like to attend either group. There is no charge for these sessions BUT please thank the commercial venues hosting us by buying drinks and nibbles whilst you are there.
A huge thank you to Barbara and Ian for giving their time and efforts to this!
DBS members are invited to join the U3A group to learn the game and take part in some practice matches. The U3A group meets from 2-4pm on Wednesdays at Sandringham Sports Centre in the car park. For those not part of the U3A group, a £1 contribution is requested. If you would like to take part, please provide contact details to Roly Wilkinson, the U3A organiser, email rolywilkinson@gmail.com and arrive in time to begin at 2pm.